Hydroconstructions control the power of and enable its safe use. Our services were implemented at hydro plants Vrhovo, Boštanj, Blanca and Krško.
In recent years we offered our services to:
- earthmoving work for securing Radeče (Vrhovo)
- earthmoving work for securing Radeče
- the drainage Vrhovo
- Kamnik drainage line
- Preparatory work for hydro plant Boštanj
- Cleaning the water passage - hydro plant Moste
- earthmoving work for constructing the water tunnel Drtijščica
- earthmoving work and embankment protection - hydro plant Boštanj
- earthmoving work and embankment protection - hydro plant Blanca
- construction of a fishway - hydro plant Blanca
- earthmoving work and embankment protection - hydro plant Krško
- moving of a stone bridge
- construction at Praprotniški most
- pilot wall - hydro construction Blanca
- relocation of stone bridges
- construction of the Praprotniški bridge
- pile wall at the Blanca hydroelectric power plant
- construction of a fish ladder for the Krško hydroelectric power plant (2012)
- reconstruction of the Brestanica bridge (2013)
- Krško hydroelectric power plant (embankment protection, foundation construction for land consolidation ...)
- construction of a maintenance path along the Vrhovo hydroelectric power plant at the Radeče VPD (2012)
- hydro plant Brežice LOT A2 earthmoving work
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